Broschüren, Faltblätter, Flyer und mehr... | |
Brochure Polyolefins – Product Range Our partner DL Group (DAELIM) is offering products from several companies within their group of subsidiaries. UlsanPP Co. Ltd. which is covering the area of Polypropylene and a yearly production capacity of around 400.000 tons per year based on 1 line with the well known LyondellBasell Spheripol process, based in Ulsan, Korea. The commercial operation started already in April 2021. This production is a joint venture of DL Chemicals and LyondellBasell. The feedstock is based on LPG (PDH). PolyMirae Co., Ltd. is also covering the Polypropylene market with a yearly production capacity of around 700.000 tons based on 4 lines and is also using the LyondellBasell Spheripol process. This plant is located in Yeosu, Korea and became fully operational in September 2000. The feedstock is based on Naphtha. DL Chemical has achieved a leading position in the industry by developing metallocene polyethylene manufacturing techniques for the first time in Korea. This plant has four plants with two types of process Chevron Phillips Process and LyondellBasell Sherlene Process with 700.000 tons capacity of PE. Read more … | ![]() |
![]() | Brochure Flame Retardants – Product Range Potential combustion sources lurk everywhere and can ignite upholstery, cars or electronic devices. Especially polymers are easily flammable and have to be fire retarded. To reduce flammability of polymer based products, flame retardants are used. These additives can influence the flammability, the propagation of the flame and/or the fire load. For each application the most suitable flame retardant solution should be used to assure a high fire retardant effect of the material and to prevent negative effects such as release of toxic gases, smoke or odors. During the last years standards of modern flame retardants have changed. Besides effective fire retardancy also the environmental protection plays a more important role throughout the whole life time cycles of the products. As a consequence flame retardants should not be toxic for humans, animals or plants. Generally, there are two main groups of flame retardants: halogen containing and halogen-free additives such as phosphorous or nitrogen based flame retardants. Depending on the type of flame retardant additive, they can act in the gas and/or condensed phase with a chemical and/or physical mode of action. The HARKE Coatings, Plastics & Polymers team offers you a broad range of flame retardants of both mentioned groups. Read more … |
Leaflet Coatings & Polymers – Product Range With various raw materials we „color“ our product range. Whether for resins or lacquers like acrylic-, epoxy or alkyd resins, whether for paints or plasters - we supply for instance suitable fillers or products that improve surface hardness, corrosion protection or brilliance. Moreover, HARKE Coatings, Plastics & Polymers provides raw materials for powder coatings such as micronized blanc fixe or benzoin. Together with our partners we trace technical developments and recognize market trends in order to be able to supply our customers at any time with raw materials that correspond with the latest requirements. Our six verticals are CASE Raw Materials / Special Resins / Plastic & Polymer Additives / Rubber Chemicals / Organic Intermediates / Polyolefins. We are able to provide you a big basket of corresponding raw materials related to each of these segments. Read more ... | ![]() |
![]() | Brochure Plasticizers – Product Range Within our CPP – Coatings, Plastics & Polymers, a Business Unit of HARKE GROUP, we are offering our customers a wide range of raw materials for these segments including fillers, pigments, additives and Plasticizers. By offering these products, we are supporting our customers in the evaluation and development process and provide solutions due to SVHC concerns or raw material shortages. Our range of Plasticizers are available in different packagings like drums, IBC´s up to ISO- or Flexi-Tanks. Due to our experience and knowledge in this product segment, we are able to support our customers in all steps during the development up to the final product. We are separating the Plasticizers in this brochure into Phthalate-, Non-Phthalate Plasticizers and Secondary Plasticizers like Chlorinated Paraffin, Epoxidized Soybean Oil and Process Oils. Read more … |
Flyer Heat Resistant Plasticizer TOTM TOTM is a primary PVC plasticizer which is used also in rubber compounds with low-volatility and low-migration. It provides excellent thermal stability, excellent aging-resistance & good resistance to soapywater extraction and good electrical properties. Read more … | ![]() |
![]() | Flyer Malic Acid Malic Acid is a major natural organic acid occuring in fruits and berries. In fact, contrary to the common belief, Malic Acid is the prominent constituent of many fruits. As a natu[1]rally occuring substance in our environment Malic Acid also participates in the vital function of carbohydrate metabo[1]lism in animals and humans. It is produced and broken in the human body every day. Read more … |
You will find in this brochure some first details about the most interesting filler and pigment for a wide range of applications. For more than 30 years, the US company CFI Carbon Products (formerly Coal Fillers Inc.), milled a high quality, bituminous coal, creating its product Austin Black® 325, sold mainly into the rubber and plastics markets. CFI is 100% in control of every aspect of its business - from owning hauling trucks to processing material at two plants to packaging and to loading its material. Coal Fillers Inc. began milling coal in Tams, West Virginia and after five years of growth, expanded production to Bluefield, Virginia. Meanwhile Austin Black® 325 is delivered to all continents in the world in various packagings. The material is containing no detectable PAH´s what´s offering good potentials in critical applications for our customers. With the fully-integrated packaging unit in their production facilities, CFI Carbon Products can offer even customer pre-weight bags for individual recipes. End of 2021 Coal Fillers Inc. has been renamed to CFI Carbon Products. Read more ... | |
![]() | Brochure Polyols – Product Range You will find in this brochure a lot of raw materials and additives for your Polyurethane formulation: à Polyether Polyols Poly-Homopolymers, Triols for Flexible Foams, Triols for Special Applications, SAN Polymer Polyols, Sucrose/Sorbitol based Polyols, Aliphatic Amines & Mannich Polyols à Polyester Polyols Aromatic & Aliphatic Polyester Polyols à Castor Oil Based Polyols Polyols for CASE, rigid foam and insulation, casting, modelling and Specialities Read more ... |
Brochure Chlorinate Paraffins Chlorinated Paraffin are obtained by chlorination of linear aliphatic hydrocarbons. In addition, it is possible to produce various CPs, from liquid to solid. You can distinguish between chlorinated paraffin by the percentage of chlorine and the length of the carbon chains. Therefore, you will get them with a different average molecular weight and a chlorine percentage that varies from 30 to 70%. Besides the regular medium-chain chlorinated paraffin (C14-C17), we also offer the long-chain chlorinated paraffin (>C18). Due to the fact that chlorinated paraffin have different physical properties, they are suitable for applications in many different fields/sectors such as: paints and coatings, plastics, rubber, fabrics, lubricants or tan agents. CP's are used as well as secondary plasticizers for PVC, flame retardants, lubricants, plasticizers for applications of paints and coatings, auxiliaries for the textile sector and tanning agents, auxiliary additive for emulsions and more. Read more ... | ![]() |